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It is quite lovely here. Thank you for taking me, I feel so happy when I'm with you. What would you like to do now?
  1. Let's continue to enjoy tea together, love. Spending time with you like this is peaceful.
  2. Would you like to walk out to the garden with me? The weather is so nice and calming, and I'd love to see you amongst the flowers.
  3. I think it would be best to leave now. Why don't we walk home and watch the scenery as the sun sets?
  4. Why don't you tell me about your day? I could listen to you talk for hours.

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Members can create their own dialogs here.

Change Log

Mon Jul  3 23:22:41 CDT 2017

 - Added support for adding to favorites
 - Count and Heart on listing

To Do

Allow creators to restrict who can Play their games while
they are making them.
 - Only Me, Friends, Members, Everyone

Allow deleting sets

Make an attempt to style the players

Allow users to custimize their players

Now about Talk to Waifu/Husbando ....
 I'd like to have it
 so when you Press Talk
 If one of these is linked to the characters
 It can be played through there, awarding +1 Happiness
 on each choice

Other ideas:
 Keyboard short cuts, like pressing 1,2,3,4 to select a choice


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